I can definitely appreciate a home that is decked out with all of the latest and greatest. And I admit that I find it hard to turn away from Instagram posts of the coolest, new high-end toys and décor for kids and adults alike. In spite of all of the incredibly beautiful images out there of nurseries and offices, spick and span with brand spankin’ new furnishings, I’m still drawn far more to the nursery with at least one little lop-sided, homespun trinket, made by hand.
Why is that? I don’t know exactly where it all started, but I’m getting used to that familiar little flutter I feel in my heart when I see a well-loved, handmade doll or blanket. And for some reason, the tiny imperfections of something handmade makes it all the more endearing to me.
I think what it comes down to is the word “love”. When I make something for someone, it’s because I’m thinking about them. I’m taking time to do something for them.
So when I see something handmade, I always assume that it’s made with love.
I guess that’s why I get a little thrill when I make something by hand, to go in my home. I make it with love for the people in my home and those who visit. I want to send the gentle message that there is love in this home for everyone in it. And I want to send the message that this home is loved.
So that’s why I’m opening my door to invite you into my handmade home. Welcome!