Needle Felt Pad

Diy Needle felt pad

Let's get felting!

Felting pads are used to protect your surface while you needle felt and allow you to felt deep into your wool.  You can buy a felting pad at the craft store or your can make your own.  

Here’s how:

Get two squares of fleece material.  I usually cut mine to about 6 inches by 6 inches.

Place the squares together and, with a sewing machine, sew around the perimeter, leaving an opening to stuff the felting pad.  

Stuff the felting pad with toy stuffing.  I use Poly-Fil.

Your felting pad will look like a little cushion.  

Sew the opening of your felting pad closed.

Your felting pad may be a little lumpy at first, but after just a few needle-felting projects it will flatten out.

Felting pad tutorial easy

You can make almost anything by needle felting.  It’s just like sculpting with wool.  Create your own patterns or check some out here!